Friday, August 29, 2008

First week of school is over...

SO the students had there first week back at school and man was it a long week. The whole week all I could think of was being home with Brooke. I thought the week was never going to end. Now that it has I am looking forward to the long weekend. Thats right I already get a three day weekend and to top it off it is my birthday tomorrow. Jason has something planned, so I can't wait. Also sunday we have Brooke Decdication. It is going to be a great weekend. I will post pictures soon.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4 months old on August 25th

4 months old

Wow how time flies. It seems like yestertday I was bringing her home. She is really doing well. She is now rolling both ways and loves to laugh. It has been a tough week for me. I really miss her during the day. I have taken some new pictures and I will post them soon.

Monday, August 18, 2008

1st day at work

So today is my first day back at work and as much as I love my job, I am really missing Brooke. It is so hard not seeing her smile and hear her laugh all day. Heck I would love to even hear her cry right now. It is lunch so just after 12pm and I am counting down the hrs till I get to see her. I think what makes this so hard is that she is still sleeping when I leave the house and I don't get to see her precious smile or hold her give her a kiss before I go. I am just praying that her first day at daycare is going ok.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's been a while

I know I have not updated in a while. Things have been really great. Yesterday Brooke rolled from her back to her stomach. She did this at three weeks but had not done it since. So now our little one is rolling both ways. I can't believe how much she has grown. I really have mixed feelings right now. I have to go back to work on Monday which means that Brooke will have to go to daycare. We have been really lucky to find an in-home daycare for her and until Oct. she will be the only child there. I know she will get a lot of attention, but I am just torn apart, because I want to be the one giving her all the attention. Right now I can't even think how I am going to be apart from her all day. It really breaks my heart to know that I won't be the one playing with her and listening to her laugh all day. I know that she will be fine, but as her mom I just don't want to miss a minute of her life. Right now I just pray that God will give me the strength that I need to get through each day. One day at a time.You Just Got To Love That SMILE!!!

I am just going to cherish every moment tomorrow as I know that monday will be hard.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

100 DAYS OLD!!!

That's right Brooke is 100 days old today. 265 more days until she is one. I know you are thinking wow I can't believe Shari is counting days, but I can't help it. I fall more in love with Brooke everyday she is here.
Yes I made a cake... any good reason to have cake is ok by us!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cell phone uploads

Sleeping in my Crib

So Brooke is now sleeping in her Crib. This was a big step. We are so used to her sleeping in her bassinet right next to our bed. It is weird not having her there. She seems so far away in her room upstairs, but she is sleeping like a champ and seems to really love her new bed.

3 Months Old

I can't believe it... Brooke is 3 months old now. The time has just gone by so fast. Right now her big thing is to coo. She is always making some kind of noise. It is so cute. Today she learned how to make a "farting" noise with her mouth and she does it over and over and then starts to laugh. I just love to see her smile.

Busy times

So I have been super busy and have not had any time to get on the computer and post. The past week Brooke has been doing so great. We went to San Antonio to see Jason's parents and Brooke had fun with the dog "Buddy."