Thursday, May 12, 2011

Long over due

So it has been almost 8 months since I last updated our blog. (I can't believe it has been that long). Things have just been so busy.
Brooke turned 3 in April and it shows. She is very active and has such a wonderful personality. She gives us a run for our money sometimes.
Emma is now 16 months old and is very hard to keep up with. She does walk places, she RUNS. Between the two of them they keep Jason and I very busy.
On top of all of that we are expecting Baby Girl #3 on 7-11-11. We can't wait to meet her, but I have so much to do to get ready for her arrival. It is hard to get things done for the baby when I am chasing the girls around all the time. When I do get them down for a nap at this point all I want to do is take one to. My MIL will be coming sometime before the baby gets here and we are going to redo the nursery. I am so excited and will post pictures when that happens.

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