On Monday July 11, 2011 we were blessed to welcome Sarah Ann Cagle into the world at 3:44pm. She weighed 7lbs 1 oz and was 19.25 inches long. She scored 9 on both of her apgar tests. I delievered her at North Austin Medical Center which is where I also delivered Emma. The hospital has been great. On Monday I arrived at 12:30pm and was given a bed in pre-op. They put me on monitors to check out Sarah's heartbeat and everything looked good. So they started my IV. One nurse tried with no luck and with me in a bunch of pain so another nurse took a try. Again no luck. From there they called in a anesthesiologist to get it started. She was great. It didn't even hurt. Just before I was taken back to the Operating Room my dad and Jason's dad showed up. It was nice to see them as I went back.
I was taken to OR #3, but before I went in Jason and I said a little prayer. Jason had to wait in the hall while the nurses and anesthesiologist got me all ready. They had me preped for a spinal which was not fun. It took about 5-6 different sticks to get the numbing medicine. Once they did a nurse put up the drape and let Jason come in. Then Dr. Loar began. Jason was super excited to see the first cut. He missed it with Emma. They let Jason take pictures through out the whole thing. Right as the Dr's reached in to pull Sarah out, Jason got some great pictures, but since they are not for the week at heart I will not be posting them. I still remember her first cry and I do believe that is something as a mom you never forget with any of your kids.
They took Sarah off to the side of the room to clean her, weigh her, and everything else they needed to do. Right as the Dr was closing me up Jason went with Sarah to the nursery where our family was waiting. I was taken to post-op where everything went great. I was only back there for an hour and was then taken to my room. Sarah was brought to my room with in minutes. I love the moment where Brooke and Emma came in and saw her up close for the first time. Brooke was excited to see her through the nursery window but now she was able to touch her. They only stayed for a few minutes since it was close to there bed time and I was beginning to feel the pain.
This week has gone well. Sarah and I have learned to breastfeed together and now that I am beginning to heal everything is much more fun.
Today we get to head home and I can't wait to see Brooke and Emma react to Sarah coming home.
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