Sunday, September 11, 2011

It was a Tuesday

Following a fellow blogger:
Sept 11, 2001 was a Tuesday.
I was in my second year of college at Sam Houston State University. I woke up like any other day and headed out to my first class of the Day (Eng). During class no one had any idea what the day was going to bring. After class I walked across campus to my second class (Geo) and it was then I knew something was up. Everyone was whispering back and forth. My prof came and as announced that both of the WTC towers had been hit by planes, but we would still be having class. An hr and half later class was out and at that point SHSU had canceled classes for the rest of the day. That is when I had a chance to really find out what had happened. I stopped by the BSM and people were huddled around a radio. I stayed for about 5-10mins and went to my dorm to watch the news. This is something I will never forget.

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